The history of the RoccaforteBio company began in the second half of the 1900s, when our great-grandfather, Don Ciccio Marchese, purchased the first land
in Piazza Armerina in the Gallinica district.
In the hot wind of Sicily, Don Ciccio begins to produce wheat and plants the first seventy olive trees, enough to meet the needs of the family.
As the years go by, the love for the land turns into a daily work, made of passion and dedication.
In 1997 the grandmother Rosa Marchese increases the plantation of olive trees with about 1500 new plants of varieties mainly native.
It was in 2006 that, under the propulsive thrust of Aunt Sabrina and the support of her siblings Patrizio and Marina Roccaforte, the activity was structured in a
more functional way, taking the name of Azienda Agricola Marchese.
From that moment the activity takes on a more competitive character and the production, which until then was conventional, becomes organic. The oil ``Don Ciccio``, extra virgin olive oil of excellent quality, is released on the market.
Determined to continue the long family tradition, in 2017 we founded RoccaforteBio, a ``simple agricultural company`` : the extension of the Marchese
company was tripled and the production diversified with the addition of prickly pears, almonds, carobs and pistachios.
Passion for nature and respect for the environment and traditions are the values of our family. Experience and innovation are the elements that for four
generations, are the unifying principle and growth.