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A long love story

We always strive to ensure high quality and that is why we decided to produce a selection of Extra Virgin Olive Oils of excellence, with a harmonious structure, able to satisfy the most demanding palates, enhancing the taste of each dish.


Our oil is born from the passion for nature, in full respect of the environment

We cultivate the different cultivars typical of Sicily according to the techniques of organic farming, without any use of chemicals, offering you a valuable and irreplaceable product, a unique journey to rediscover the authentic Mediterranean flavors.

Faithful to our environmental approach, we use all pruning waste for the creation of biomass, whose use for the production of energy
helps to reduce the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Healthy and Balanced nutrition

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most famous vegetable fats and it is the healthiest one. The prevalence of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, its content of vitamins and antioxidants make it a fundamental food for a healthy and balanced diet.

Greek Myth

According to a widespread myth in Greece, Athena is responsible for the birth of the first olive tree that rose in the
Acropolis to protect the city of Athens. The legend says that Poseidon and Athena, disputing the sovereignty of Attica, challenged each
other before the Court of the Gods, each offering a gift.
Poseidon, with a blow of the trident, made appear a fast and powerful horse, capable of winning all battles; Athena, however, struck
the earth with a spear and gave birth to the first olive tree, to illuminate the night, to medicate wounds and to offer nourishment to the population. Zeus chose the most peaceful invention and Athena became the Goddess of Athens. Poseidone, con un colpo di tridente, fece comparire un cavallo veloce e possente, capace di vincere tutte le battaglie; Atena, invece, percosse la terra con la lancia e fece nascere il primo albero di olivo, per illuminare la notte, per medicare le ferite e per offrire nutrimento alla popolazione. Zeus scelse l'invenzione più pacifica ed Atena divenne la Dea di Atene.


Our production is characterized by four monocultivars: “Don Ciccio”, “Verdeamaro”, “Tondo”, “Leano” and a blend “Millefiori”.
